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The making of a vestment for the first mass is a special process. The arrangement can be made after pattern, own design or designer concept. There are nearly unlimited options in individuality. Through the years many chasubles have left our studio. In deference to our customers we do not publish them on our website.

Experience report
As such a little "not-yet-deacon" I came to Mr. Hermanns' shop to inquire about a primacy garment. While I was shown what a chasuble is in other shops (you can hardly believe it - I had already seen one or the other before), the question from Mr. Hermanns was: «What did you imagine? Do you already have an idea? " Oh yes, I did. I wanted to have a robe that goes with my first sentence. And I didn't just want to know for myself that it fits the saying or to have to explain it to others for a long time, but I wanted it to immediately catch the eye of those who saw this garment.
I'm not a profi. I have never sewn on more than one button and am therefore unsuitable to tell a tailor and artist exactly what my ideas are. With Mr. Hermanns it was a constant approach to exactly what I had in mind, taking into account all the things that I hadn't considered beforehand. From the cut of the robe to the size, shape and fit of the motif to the choice of color and fabric, I was able to rely and rely on his professionalism and extensive, long-term experience.
After almost half a year of working on the motif, where there was a lively exchange between Mr. Hermanns, the artist, Mr. Schultheiss, and me, we came more and more to what I had in mind.
The result is not only impressive. It is exactly what I imagined and I like to wear this garment. A big thank you to Mr. Hermanns and his staff!
By the way: Do you have an idea which is the first sentence?
As the stag longs for fresh water, so God longs for you. (Ps 42,2)
Chaplain Georg Taubitz