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born in Glogau

Since 1964
He works in his own studio in Braunschweig as a painter and graphic artist using various techniques: watercolor - chalk - oil.
Training as an advertising graphic artist at the Werkkunstschule in Braunschweig, collaboration in advertising and trade fair construction.

Since 1960
as a freelance designer in the furnishing of church interiors. Natural stone - glass - mosaic - metal - textile - wood - any material is welcome to serve for liturgical use.
In close cooperation with workshops that translated his designs into material, objects developed together for sacred use were created.
He made many wall paintings and mosaics himself.

Since 2000
the active time is over, the creative time is far from over.

Since 1975
Claus Kilian is permanent deacon in the civil profession and belongs to the municipality of St. Aegidien in Braunschweig

† 2022

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